Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 94 "Mindfulness of Fitness" : PNW State Of Mind series



The last episode of the 5 part mini series by AJ and Chris on the PNW State Of Mind. This time, your PNW duo is looking at bookending diet, with exercise and how that reoccurring theme of finding your inner discipline has been woven into each of the episodes in this mini-series. *On this episode* - The primer: * There isn't one- dovetails back to the first episode in this mini-series * Rejoin the DGR : Health and fitness@Chris - DIY Walking Route for your 'hoodActivities that doesn't require being the Hulk or the Flash* walk, and I mean everywhere. From parking in the back 40 at the grocery store, to walk to your nearest village.* gardening * see our previous series on The Urban Hiker's Grandtour!* hit the poolAJSide story: Was never big on running as a kid, hated it actually. Now being in the woods- there's my incentive. Keep a log. Keep accountability to yourself * Argus- * Fitocracy-* Str