Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 90 "Mindful Eating": PNW State Of Mind Series



AJ and Chris dive in to an all new mini-series called the PNW State of Mind Series. Taking a bird's eye view of something often neglected, but highly critical to our well-being: Our health! The duo talk Chris * Wrapping up the hiking season, and changing my mindset in approaching food* Requiem for a personal newsletterPrimer: Published Aug 8: NYT OP.Ed.*The Toll of America’s Obesity *Beyond the human suffering, diet-related diseases impose massive economic costs.By David S. Ludwig and Kenneth S. RogoffDr. Ludwig is a pediatrician. and Dr. Rogoff is an economist. discourse, views and opinions * Whole30 * Ketogenic* Paleo* Slow carb diet* Intermittent Fasting.* Slow Food- Carlo Petrini (Italy) * “Slow Food was started by Carlo Petrini and a group of activists in the 1980s with the initial aim to defend regional traditions, good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life. In over two decades of history, th