Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How to Negotiate as a Woman



So many women believe they’re bad at negotiations because it’s not a skill they’ve ever been successful at building. Not because they haven’t sought out the knowledge and advice, but because the advice they were given was not gender neutral.  That’s right. Negotiation is a highly gendered skill, and that needs to change.  Kathryn Valentine founded Worthmore Negotiations after having a bad experience with negotiations while she was in college. She had an amazing internship where she’d completed her tasks in a fraction of the time allotted. However, when it was time to present her project, she was told that she wasn’t a good fit for the company.  Why? Because she’d tried to negotiate like a man.  This experience led her down the path of researching more about this issue overall. Come to find out, women really do need to negotiate in a different way in order to be heard, respected, and compensated.  Listen as Kathryn shares the three main principles women should keep in mind as they’re negotiating, her 9-step fr