

This is a hard one as change is oftentimes difficult. We are saying goodbye to one-half of the founding team at Location Indie and that is never easy. We are very excited about the new journey that he is going on and we get to watch him succeed in all the new ways that we know he will.  While we will miss our friend on the business end of things, he is still our friend and that will never change so family vacations, podcast guesting, and late-night phone calls will still be happening. Don't worry though because the LI podcast, community, and Lifestyle Launch Academy is still going strong and won't be going away anytime soon.  Change isn't inherently bad but a chance to redesign, rethink, and reimagine a bigger and better version of your life and how you live it. This is a good thing! We will miss you, brother! Important Links Zero To Travel Podcast Location Indie FREE Lifestyle Freedom Guide