Nz Everyday Investor

Bitcoin in your KiwiSaver?! Ep 240



Join kōura for a breakdown of their new specialty funds, followed up by a Q & A session - next Friday, 20th May at 11:00 AM. Register here: ( Interested in chatting with an (Ungaro & Co) financial adviser about koura KiwiSaver*? Make a 30 minute appointment (now): Hold bitcoin as a hedge against the collapse of the worldwide financial system, or hold it simply for a chance to get a better-than-average return. You don't have to be an extremist, to hold extreme views with bitcoin - in similar way, you don't have to hold extreme views on bitcoin if you simply view it as a good asset to hold. Diversification (at the custody) layer with bitcoin can be incredibly important. While I'd suggest holding bitcoin directly is the way to go for many people, it's not s