Profitable Farmer

Episode 96 - A Vision for Australian Agriculture



For a vision to be compelling AND create meaningful change, it has to enrol and inspire. Well-designed, a compelling vision can align people from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds, varying persuasions, and even competing preferences. To me, it seems that for Australian Agriculture, this has been achieved thanks to Tony Mahar and the National Farmers Federation (NFF). In 2018, NFF sought to prepare a shared vision for Australian Agriculture. A sixth-month consultation process with the industry, some deep thinking, a host of critical conversations and input from key players, and a supporting roadmap to 2030 was born. Within it, an overview of important mega-trends to impact us all, five pillars to focus their effort, and a shortlist of major projects to initiate and impact. NFF’s 2030 Vision and Roadmap can be found by clicking here. I speak with Tony Mahar, CEO of National Farmers Federation in this podcast. We explore what is unique about the economic climate of today and the vision and roadmap t