Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dreamer’s writing style revealed in her dreams



On today's show Jaime wants to know, what does it mean when you dream of your first real boyfriend? How does it help? Relationships are the easiest thing in the world after all, do we really need help from our dreams?  Meanwhile, Anne is looking at the stars, in a dream that tells her the exact writing style she needs to adopt.   Listen to find out what they learned about themselves in their dreams.   Dreams are the last bastion of the spirit world. The unbreakable link it maintains over all of us. Why? Because we are like spoiled children who hold contempt for their parents. Rebelling against them at every turn but still using their credit card. The irony.   And it is ironic that you ignore your dreams so much. Because they explain the misery in your life. They show its cause. But there is a whammy in the message because they show the part you play in creating your own misery. What? I’d rather it was all someone else’s fault. I want them to have to change. Not me. I’m perfect and you know it. Bloody do-goode