Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Reinvent Yourself After a Business Failure with Rod Khleif



So many businesses fail every year. When that happens, the big question is, how do you reinvent yourself after a business failure? My guest today is real estate investor, Rod Khleif. Rod lost 50 million dollars in the last crash, then made it all back and more. So, how do you overcome the failure mindset to reinvent yourself after something like this? Also, are you living a life that is as fulfilling as possible? Setting goals and creating a burning desire to achieve them is what can make the difference to feel happy with our lives. Rod Khleif owns multiple businesses, he is a philanthropist who is passionate about business, high performance, real estate, and giving back. He stresses the importance of setting goals, and visualizing what reaching those goals will look like. He surrounds himself with positive people who will help support him on his journey. Rod discusses how to focus on the good in order to prevent oneself from getting sucked into the negative news cycle. Tune in and learn how to reinvent yours