Off Script With Trish Glose

Ian Burch on Archery Summit, his love of Pinot, and confessions in his basement



Winemaker Ian Burch shares his love of winemaking, Pinot Noir, and why he ultimately decided to plant his feet in the Willamette Valley. Ian says he was (unapologetically) a complete plant nerd and it was high school where the seed of viticulture was planted. That sent him on a path studying it in school and working and interning at wineries from California to South Africa. It was while he was in Loire where he fell in love with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay and he always knew there was "something about Oregon". A job offer as winemaker opened up at Archery Summit and Ian says he went for it. Hear all about his winemaking journey and it's an interview of confessions, some even Ian admits he's not sure why he shared.