Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

209: NFTS on Instagram and other web3 things coming



  A few weeks ago IG announced it was beta testing integrating NFTs onto its platform and so far things are going well.  Youtube, Meta (aka facebook), Amazon, Shopify, Stripe and other content hosting platforms and commerce based businesses now officially all have web3 teams who are using, building, and integrating blockchain technology.    What the heck does this mean?!   It means that many of the platforms, applications and tools we use in our businesses are taking web3 seriously - which means that we should too.    This doesn’t mean drop everything and go deep dive (unless you want to of course), but it does mean that starting to get curious and learn more about them is important.    If we look back on even just the last 5 years, a lot of social media platforms have shifted, content creation looks different, technology is more advanced and we can do cooler things and it's easier than ever to get paid online doing something you love.    It’s safe to say that the same will be true 5 years from now.    Web3 i