I.t. Career Energizer: Phil Burgess Chats With Robert C Martin, John Sonmez, David Rael And Other Successful It Professionals

338: Learn More Than You Need To Know and Keep Your Eyes Open with Mark Angle



In this week’s show, Phil talks to Mark Angle the Chief Cloud Operations Officer at OneStream, having previously held leadership positions in areas including data centre operations, service desk, enterprise architecture and service delivery. His passions lie at the intersection of technology, science, and nature but he gets his in-office adrenaline rush leading collaboration discussions or presenting to a customer. Mark discusses why we should always go further when it comes to self-development and learning. He also talks about why we should always keep our eyes open to spot new possibilities and opportunities.   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   TOP CAREER TIP We excel when we push past the boundaries of what we need to learn, and take on more information. This pushes us to grow more and be ready when opportunities arise.   WORST CAREER MOMENT While managing a group of engineers, Mark plugged some of the patch cabling in, which wasn’t labelled. There was a malfunction, and the result was that a large corporate network across