Nz Everyday Investor

TGIF, Ep 246


Sinopsis (Ask me anything, suggest a topic, or a guest!) Central banks and governments have to create inflation, to protect the function of the current financial system. if they don’t, in the short term, it would create an absolute disaster that makes the pandemic appear a cake walk. You can take a conspiratorial lens on this if you like too of course, where there’s nefarious globalists trying to concentrate their power ushering in a new global order and common worldwide currency – but I don’t think you need to. The explanations still works if you can understand most influencers in the political realms thrive off incompetency. Personally, I can see a 'tick-shaped' recovery here with respect to property and the darker it becomes with the economy, the more whiplash some may experience when the re-bound occurs. Unless there's a qualitative and fundamental shift to how the current financial system works not just in NZ but in the rest of the world, we've already seen the playbook her