Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 265: Surface Tension



"Ballad in 9" by Joyfultalk from Familiar Science; "Few, Far Chaos Bugles Uff... Bosch gra Walese" by Matmos from Regards, Uklony dla Boguslaw Schaeffer; "It's a Passage" by Daniel Rossen from You Belong There; The title track from Time Goes by Weval; The title track from Scarlet Holliday by Mono; "D2" by Divus from II; "An-an-an-d-d-d" by Dome from 3; "Starstuff" by Blanck Mass from In Ferneaux; "Sozial" by Voigt and Voigt from Die Zauberhafte Welt der Anderen; "Stjarnor" by Centrum from For Meditation; "Kifisos Gift" by Andra Ljos from Fountain of Inspiration; "Two Drones in Ghost Dub" by Zane Trow from Traces.