Online With Bill Alexander

S1 E46 Guest - former Playboy Playmate and Life Coach Deborah Driggs



On this episode of The Bill Alexander Show, Bill talks with former Playboy Playmate Deborah Driggs about her life, career, and her future plans. From her start as a Playboy Centerfold and Covergirl to her life as a Screen Actors' Guild member and then a top-rated insurance industry professional, Deborah Driggs has had to clear many hurdles in life to make it these things happen. And while it may seem like Deborah's success came easy to her, nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, she's overcome a number of challenges in her life to get to where she is today but what is true, and a part of her character is her willingness to take risks, maintain a positive attitude, and never take 'no' for an answer.