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We cannot food bank our way out of hunger



It is shocking that hunger is an everyday reality for 38 million Americans and 800 million people globally. The Alliance to End Hunger is the national nonprofit that convenes diverse sectors, from universities to health insurers, corporations and faith-based nonprofits to craft and advocate policy solutions. And with Eric Mitchell at the helm, members grapple with hunger’s root causes: Covid, climate, conflict, exacerbated by systemic racism. Members advocate on Capitol Hill for expanded Emergency Food Assistance, made necessary by the pandemic, and for the modernization of SNAP and WIC. It is pushing for passage of the Farm Bill, whose sweeping components include improvements to conservation, nutrition assistance, and agricultural subsidies. The Alliance operates similarly on the global stage, partnering with United Nations agencies and farmers to generate the resources needed to withstand man-made disasters, from war to climate shocks, including floods and draught. Eric looks forward to September 2022, when