Arden First Baptist Church

Born Free: Acts 22:17-29 - Audio



Born Free! 4 Truths that we can learn from Paul’s life: Paul had to learn to how follow God’s call even when it didn’t always make sense. God’s call on Paul’s life often got him into trouble with those who didn’t like changes to their fixed way of thinking. Following God often got Paul into troubling situations. Paul used his natural assets to advance the Gospel. Realize that God’s plan for your life is bigger than your present reality. Don’t drift from your calling when others come against you—because the enemy will send others to distract, discourage, and derail you from your destiny. Don’t be surprised when you suffer as a Christian for doing good. Live like you’re born free—because you are free in Christ. Use your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to advance the Gospel in the world. Don’t allow the crowd to confuse you in your calling. Your calling comes from God, not from the critics in the crowd. Get you