Nz Everyday Investor

TGIF, Ep 248



Buy a home, pay off the mortgage eventually, then invest as much as you can with KiwiSaver: The Idiot-Proof Two-Step Solution to Retirement. (Ask me anything, suggest a topic, or a guest!) I’m really excited for this one today, because this episode is inspired by one of you recently, who took the time to ask a question by visiting the show notes and clicking on the sentence above. Patrick asked– ‘talk to me like an idiot – if there were only one or two steps I needed to take to get on track for retirement – what would they be?’ _______________________ Hey! Like what you've heard today? I'm on a mission to help improve levels of wealth for everyday Kiwi's. After all, it's good to build wealth...right? Here's some ways you can get alongside the NZ Everyday Investor - no pressure, but I'd appreciate any help you could offer: Use the following referral/affiliate links Hatch: $10 for you, and $10 for me, if you sign up and depo