Dr. Tommy Show

2000 Mules Review, Killers and Gun Banners, Collapsing Covid Narratives, Biden's America Sucks,



Broadcasting from the Free State where we are still subject to the sucky conditions of Biden's America. What happens when low to medium wage workers can't afford to live where you need them? Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon know and it's ain't good. 2000 Mules shows you just how organized the 2020 Democrat machine was during elections in swing states. Riddle me this, how did Joe Biden who nobody ever thought should be president outside of his immediate family, do better than Barrack Obama in swing districts, yet did much poorer in Democrat strongholds like California and New York? The answer is here. Should we ban bump stocks or just get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Michael Moore is at least intellectually honest when he calls for outright ban compared to these politicians who exploit death out of greed and avarice, or are just completely clueless about violence and guns. Covid narratives continue to take a hit while the Govt is getting ready to inject you children under 5 with the "Emergency Use Authorized" mRNA s