Nz Everyday Investor

Property: Catching Falling Knives Anyone? Ep 253



The CCCFA and the sharp spike in interest rates were the last two nails in the coffin of a series of moves initiated by both the Government and the Reserve Bank of NZ. Although it's a baseless allegation to suggest a piece of legislation was specifically designed to bring down the property market, there are two things to point out: 1 - It's far easier to crash an economy than to build it up and, 2 - secondly, they did say they were going to do this. Rupert Gough from is my very special host today and really, we're just shooting the breeze and speculating around what comes next with the property market. (Ask me anything, suggest a topic, or a guest!) _______________________ Hey! Like what you've heard today? I'm on a mission to help improve levels of wealth for everyday Kiwi's. After all, it's good to build wealth...right? Here's some ways you can get alongside the NZ Everyday Investor - no pressure, but I'd appreciate any help