

Jonathan Slain is the Founder and CEO of, an author, a highly respected keynote speaker, and an expert on recessions & why business owners don’t need to fear them.  Jonathan spent the last Great Recession huddled in the fetal position on the floor of his office. He borrowed $250,000 from his mother-in-law to survive. Jonathan paid his mother-in-law back and is now a highly sought-after consultant (and, yes, he’s still married!).  Jonathan understands not only how to prepare your business for the next major recession but also how to turn it into a profitable opportunity.   Podcast Highlights   Who is Jonathan Slain?    Much of Jonathan’s life has been spent in the metaphorical Batcave, doing the research and preparing for whatever it was that he was working towards. Deep preparation has been the common thread in Jonathan’s life all the way back from high school. Studying people who were successful during major recessions is what drew his attention and his experience during the recent Great