I.t. Career Energizer: Phil Burgess Chats With Robert C Martin, John Sonmez, David Rael And Other Successful It Professionals

342: Can One Person Kill an Entire Industry? ‘Once Upon Atari’ with Howard Scott Warshaw



In this week’s show, Phil talks to Howard Scott Warshaw, a video game pioneer, an award-winning filmmaker, an innovative technologist, an author, and a Museum of Modern Art artist. He now employs this eclectic skillset as a psychotherapist in California’s Silicon Valley. His latest book, “Once Upon Atari” (subtitled How I made history by killing an industry) details his exploits at Atari and how they reshaped his life. Howard talks about why we should remember that goals are only achieved through hard work and perseverance. He also discusses the value to be found in understanding what it is that we really want in life.   KEY TAKEAWAYS:   TOP CAREER TIP Be prepared to pay your dues when it comes to your career. Dreams are all well and good, but always recognize that hard work is required in order to achieve them.   WORST CAREER MOMENT While working on Yars Revenge, Howard insisted on carving out his own path for the game but was forced to admit later that the game he’s insisted upon was not good.   CAREER HIGH