Nz Everyday Investor

TGIF, Ep 255



"Hi Darcy, loving the pod, and especially how you have a somewhat contrarian view of things. I think this might be a common issue amongst your listeners. My 19th year old university student son has about $30k saved up currently. He has a part job and lives on the smell of an oily rag.... he has KS also, roughly $8k last look. He wants to buy a house/rental asap after graduating. He is on target for double major in Chem/Physics so no dunce. We are property investors too. Have been putting about $20k on term deposit and rolling over.....very hesitant to even put it into KS due to volatility and short 2/3 time frame...Whilst realizing inflation is eroding capital.....any thoughts on this, thanks" Rachel Coleman (Ask me anything, suggest a topic, or a guest!) I’m really excited for this one today, because this episode is inspired by one of you recently, who took the time to ask a question by visiting the show notes and clicking on the sentence above. Patrick asked– ‘talk to