Collider Heroes

Giant-Sized Heroes #24 - A Disney+ Avalanche, Updates from a Crisis, Upcoming Adaptations, a Possible Venom Villain, Return of the Bestellers and more!



Today on Giant-Size Heroes #24 (Heroes 327 Extended): On this week's Giant-Size Heroes Coy and Amy dive into the Disney+ announcement slate, possible Venom villain news, what Ewan McGregor has to say about Birds of Prey, what Ryan Reynolds is doing instagramming at Disney, which Joker scene had a surprising effect on Coy, and what made the cut for the finally restored New York Times Graphic Novel Bestseller list! Extra features this week include Coy's gravelly Con Crud voice and Amy's guilty conscience as she makes him podcast anyway, which is worth it for the best pitch you'll ever hear for obscure Marvel villain Shriek.Heroes Giant-Size is a weekly deep-dive into the sweatiest comic book entertainment news hosted by Amy Dallen & Coy Jandreau, out every Thursday. Plus, check out #ColliderHeroes on Tuesdays here and on Youtube, where each week we welcome a guest to talk about the biggest news in the converging universes of comic books and comic book movies. Stay tuned for these and more, like interviews w