Collider Heroes

Giant-Sized Heroes #4: One of the Biggest Weeks in 2019 Comic Book Releases! And what does the future of DC Films look like?



Today on Giant-Size Heroes #4 (Heroes #307 Extended): Coy and Amy ponder the future of DC Films as the Booster Gold script is completed and Shazam! makes it way to Blu Ray. They also dive into upcoming MCU rumors theatrically and on Disney +. Any and Coy then take a deep dive into one of the biggest weeks in comics. Breaking down this week’s hugely impactful releases. Including Heroes In Crisis #9, Batman Last Knight on Earth, X-Men: Grand Design X-Tinction 1 and more!Heroes Giant-Size is a weekly deep-dive into the sweatiest comic book entertainment news hosted by Amy Dallen & Coy Jandreau, out every Thursday. Plus, check out #ColliderHeroes on Tuesdays here and on Youtube, where each week we welcome a guest to talk about the biggest news in the converging universes of comic books and comic book movies. Stay tuned for these and more, like interviews with comic creators, actors and directors.Follow Amy Dallen: Coy Jandreau: Coy take