Collider Heroes

Will DC and Marvel Ever Do A Team-Up Movie?



On this 253rd episode of Heroes (Wednesday, June 13th, 2018), Jon Schnepp, John Rocha, and Dorian Parks answer the following Twitter questions from the world of Heroes and Villains:1. Who is your favorite writer in comics right now?2. Any movement on the movie adaption of ‘The Sword’?3. Do you think we will ever see a DC and a Marvel movie teamup?4. With Mysterio being the villain in the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, do you think the MCU might incorporate the Reality Stone to help explain his mind-bending illusions?5. If Marvel gets the rights to the X-Men, should the first villain they face be Magneto or should they use a different villain or set of villains and save Magneto for a latter film?6. If Etri made an Infinity Gauntlet for Thanos, how do you explain the Avengers: Age of Ultron end credits with Thanos in Odin’s vault saying, “I’ll do it myself” and taking the gauntlet?7. Which Image Comics team or character would you want in a live action movie the most?8. What are your t