Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

Repost: 211 - 4 Obstacles You'll Face When Trying to Be Productive



Productivity is tough. Doesn't it seem like the minute you try to get more done, everything gets in the way? In this episode, I share the 4 things you need to watch out for when you are trying to be more productive. Community: https://tlbc.co/community Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLcdhpjKo9E Personal effectiveness: The answer to your productivity problems https://www.wearethecity.com/personal-effectiveness-productivity/ The Only Time You Are Actually Growing is When You’re Uncomfortable https://medium.com/the-mission/the-only-time-you-are-actually-growing-is-when-youre-uncomfortable-33198a619ab0 How to Measure Your Personal Progress: My Own Toolkit  http://www.expandbeyondyourself.com/measure-personal-progress/