Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

624 - How to Be a Supportive Partner



In this episode, we look at how to be a supportive partner.  Written By: Sophie Sumpter | https://www.instagram.com/sorosum/ Sponsor:  Head over to www.betterhelp.com/tinyleaps and use the discount code tiny leaps to get 10% off your first month. That's  www.betterhelp.com/tinyleaps coupon code tiny leaps. The Problem: Choosing to share your life with a romantic partner looks different for everyone. Cohabitating, long distance relationships, choosing to have children or not. There are a lot of choices and none of them are necessarily “right” or “wrong”. However, there is one common denominator among every successful relationship: your partner will one day face challenges that are outside of your control and outside of your experience. So how do you support them when you can’t move a roadblock out of their path? Is it even your responsibility to move it? Digging Deeper: Throughout the course of your relationship, the type of support that your partner needs may change. Mental illness, chronic pai