Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

579 - Mental Health and Grief Pt 1.



In this episode, we take a look at the balance between managing your mental health and dealing with the symptoms of grief. Join Tiny Leaps Plus: http://tinyleapsplus.com Part 1: Presenting the Problem Grief is something we all go through. In fact, it's something we are all going through right now. When you hear the word grief you likely think about losing someone you love. This is normal as it's the most commonly used form of the word. But grief isn't just about death. It's actually about loss. Grief: Deep sorrow, especially cause by the death of someone. Sorrow: a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others So grief is just about loss. Part 2: Diving Deeper Let's look at this from two angles: 1. Losing someone you love 2. Losing something important In this part we will look at navigating the loss of someone you love. In the next episode we'll look at losing something important. Losing someone you love is hard. The sense of loss is