Francy And Friends

Reyna Young Is Going To Slash This Show!



Miss Misery’s alter ego Reyna Young has been labeled by press as “The Queen of Horror in the Bay Area”  Reyna Young is a Director, Producer, Writer, Model, Actress, Horror Host and Film Festival Director in San Francisco. Ever since she was a little girl she remembers seeing her first horror movie: John Carpenters “Halloween.” It was at that moment she fell in love with being scared. She then decided she wanted to give back to the Horror community and make her way into the Genre she bleeds for. From there she created her production company Last Doorway Productions in hopes of bringing a little more horror to the world . Since then she has written feature scripts, and created a series of short films, which she has Produced, Written, Directed and even starred in. Aside from her film projects, The Last Doorway Show. A show dedicated to Independent Horror Artists which she hosts under the pseudonym Miss Misery. Helping support the Independent Horror Artist and helping filmmakers get their short films shown. If yo