Becoming With Ann Fancy

Megan Peiser | Smashing colonialism, patriarchy and reclaiming her indigenous culture



You will be challenged and learn in this episode. It is a must-listen. Dr. Megan Peiser, Ph.D. challenges me to listen closely and to lean in.  She wants her ancestors to look back and say "Oh Megan, she did some good work." Without question her ancestors will say that and much more about her impact.  Megan is simply brilliant, engaged, inspiring, and driven. She is deeply committed to reclaiming her own indigenous roots as a member of the Choctaw Nation. She inspires her students to stay brave, she dedicates her work to highlighting women and marginalized peoples in literature, and ignites growth through the written word and participation; whether that means reading, gardening, or smashing the patriarchy.  Megan Peiser is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. She is Assistant Professor of Eighteenth-Century Literature at Oakland University. Her research and teaching interests include women writers, history of the novel, history of the book, periodicals, Indigenous literature and culture, mat