Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

Our genes, our gut microbiome and our food with molecular nutritionist, Dr Emma Beckett



We hear a lot about our gut microbiome and the links between our gut health, mental health and general health - what does this mean in practical terms and how does it apply to you? To help explain the complex interplay between our microbiome, our genes, the food we eat and how this can impact our health and our predisposition towards certain diseases is nutrition dynamo, molecule nutritionist Dr Emma Beckett.Emma’s enthusiasm for her subject matter is contagious and our conversation wanders over some fascinating terrain - we talk about environment versus genetics in shaping our microbiome and, in this context, the value of twin studies. Emma explains how food can influence gene expression and how genes can influence the way we metabolise, taste and experience food? Does coriander tase like soap to you? If so, find out why.Another of Emma’s passions is scientific communication and I found her take on this really refreshing. Emma gives us some tips on how to be a critical consumer of all the information about f