Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

This week's guest, Sarah Lee, shares her story of how cancer changed her life in unexpected ways



Today I chat with Sarah Lee who generously shares her inspiring story. Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2017 and what she did whilst living through the treatment is truly remarkable. When her oncologist said she should get some exercise, like walking around the block, Sarah knew she could do better than that so she set herself challenges like hiking up a steep trail every week, she decided to run to her chemotherapy treatments and then Sarah challenged herself to run the City to Bay (12km fun run). The challenges just kept getting bigger. Imagine deciding to take up running during, not after, cancer!Sarah has accomplished amazing feats, like running two marathons, but more than anything, Sarah has achieved equanimity. She is happy; she has changed her mind set and approaches life with vigour and compassion. Sarah is generous by nature and she wants to support others who are facing breast cancer so she is fund raising for Breast Cancer Trials. (A group of world-leading breast cancer doctors and