Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

This week's guests, Rachelle Martin and Olaf Sorensen, discuss low carb & carnivore diets



My chat today with Rachelle Martin and Olaf Sorensen is anything but dull! These two are the ultimate self-experimenters, particularly when it comes to diet (and, in Olaf’s case, finding the perfect exercise regime but that will be the subject of another podcast).Both Rachelle and Olaf started experimenting with a low carb diet several years ago, Rachelle, to correct some health issues and Olaf, to find the optimal way to manage his energy for long distance running e.g. ultra marathons. We heard about Rachelle's ketogenic diet in Episode #7 of Amanda’s Wellbeing Podcast (link below). Olaf, as you will hear, found the low carb way of eating agreed with his physiology but not content to stop there, he took it further and experimented with the carnivore diet and says, he felt so good, he never went back. Today, Olaf eats meat, organ meat, fat and eggs. We chat about the importance of the source of protein consumed and Olaf’s business with his parents, Grassland Nutrition, where they produced freeze dried organ m