Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

This week's guest, Amanda Rattay, is a personal trainer and promoter of finding balance



Today’s podcast guest, Amanda Rattay, is a personal trainer and promoter of finding balance.When you “meet” Amanda today, you will be listening to someone who has worked hard to find self-acceptance and cultivate balance in her life. Amanda openly shares her interesting journey, which includes qualifying as a personal trainer, and she does not shy away from her more challenging times - including a very active inner-critic (which she refers to as her “mean girl”), years of cycling through extreme diets followed by self-sabotage in the form of binge eating making her feel like a failure. Sadly, so many women (including me) can relate to this. But, there is hope!It is truly inspiring to hear Amanda speak about how she has successfully navigated a path through all of that to become the healthy, upbeat and confident person she is today. Amanda is passionate about helping others achieve their wellbeing and fitness goals and focusses on creating practical and achievable plans that fit into her clients’ lives. Amanda