Nz Everyday Investor

What are swap rates saying right now? News of the Money-World, Ep 36



If I recall an opinion I heard a few years back correctly: I know we're supposed to believe the official narrative here, but debt markets are where we go on occasions such as this for the real source of truth. Right now, there's a growing cohort starting to waiver in their belief that the Fed, and by extension, other central banks around the world, actually have this under control. In some ways, they've lost control already. In other ways, the blunt edge of their full suite of 'tools' are yet to fully bite. You can find the PDS on the [now expired] offer link found in the video version of today: ________________________________ Welcome to a bonus series, in partnership with koura Wealth, your digital KiwiSaver provider. The NZ Everyday Investor is proud to present, News of The Money-World, a show about what’s happening in the finance world and how that affects you, the everyday Kiwi. _______________________ Hey! Like what you've heard today? I'm on a mission to help improve level