Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #28 1 : the subtle signs of abuse in dreams



On today's show,  Mel is finally shown the link between three recurring themes in her dreams.  Dee, who is retired, has a very sad dream that shows much of the deep pain she has endured in her life. But if you didn't know how to interpret dreams - you would never know it. You'd probably think it was a happy dream. Stay tuned to find out more. To register for our 3-day virtual event in October If you want your dream analyzed on my show, you can submit it here And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it. Dream: The house where I grew up  Mel has had digestive issues for a long time. Not too big of an issue but always showing up her dreams. She also has the age 2 -3 showing up and wondered why it shows up so much. And lastly, she's been consciously working on masculine energy imbalances as directed by her dreams. Well, here is a beauty of a dream that ties all of these thin