Tristar Gym

How to build a Strong & Stable Back 4 Life - AMA 108 - Coach Zahabi



In this follow-up to Coach Zahabi’s bestselling Strong and Stable Knees 4 Life,, you will discover the secrets of unlocking your spine to unleash your true athletic potential. Buy Here use promo code strongback20 and save 20$ Coach takes you deep into understanding why the martial arts, gymnastic, ballet and yoga traditions have long understood what is optimal for performance. This content is life changing! The stats show that 80% of people will experience back pain at least once in their lifetimes. This instructional video will give you the tools you need to untangle and stabilize your spine throughout the day, prevent soreness in your back, maintain proper alignment in any situation and teach you how to develop world‑class core strength that will dramatically increase performance. Learn from the man who has trained countless professional athletes at the highest level. This program is designed for athletes of every kind and should be mandatory for all life‑long athletes. In Part 1, you will