Radioactive Metal Podcast

Episode 708: Stranger Things Visited



Season 4 of the Netflix series "Stranger Things" had The Metal World captivated. Our beloved genre played such a key part in key character's character and in memorable sequences. So we knew we had to focus some major attention towards it. Besides, we're the original Eddie Munson! We discussed how we related to the time period, "The Satanic Panic" backdrop and which songs would bring us out of the Upside Down. *Spoiler Alert*Spoiler Alert! In our "News, Views and Tunes", we crank some new + used from Angel Witch, The Exploited, Bitches Sin, Faithful Breath, Death Whore and introduce Winnipeg punkers The Strange Things (!!) in our "Indie Spotlight". Horns Up and Stay Healthy!    This Episode is sponsored by Trve Kvlt Coffee. Summon the coffee demons to possess yourself a cup today! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram