Southminster-steinhauer United Church

I Once Believed: Re-Framing a Traditional Christian Past Part 3



Even though the Christian church turned a common cultural practice of ritual washing into an exercise in “sin management”, there are still remnants of something else, something simpler. There is still a hint of the first century teacher and his followers who had something completely different to say about this experience. This is from the community of Mark who shared and wrote these words: In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan River. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens open and the spirit, as like a dove alighted upon him. And he heard a message: “You are my son, beloved; a source of pride and pleasure.” (Mark 1: 9-11) This baptism contains no negative talk, no self-loathing. There is no derision for being less than, or a call to be washed of what came before. As Jesus comes out of the water, he experiences a vision – a positively delightful vision – of affirmation, of acceptance. The whole event is an allegory for what it means