Arden First Baptist Church

The Adventures of a Wet Water Walker - Audio



The Adventures of a Wet Water Walker Matthew 14:22-33 5 Confessions of a wet water walker: The adventure is fueled by private prayer (v. 22-23). The adventure is launched by the storms of life (v. 24). The adventure is tested in the dark of night (v. 25-26). The adventure is experienced by those who take a step of crazy faith (v. 27-29). The adventure is kept alive by keeping our eyes on Jesus in the midst of the storm (v. 30-33). Today’s Big Idea: You become a wet water walker when you take a step of crazy faith when Jesus calls your name. Action Steps (Applications): Develop a daily private prayer life. See storms as an opportunity in disguise. When Jesus is calling you to do something extraordinary, take a crazy step of faith. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, even when life hits you hard! Let worship be your response every time God rescues you!