Milling About

Milling About with "Manhattan Cult Story" Author Spencer Schneider



They called it “School” but the education that Spencer Schneider received for 23 years was far from scholastic. Spencer wrote a book, “Manhattan Cult Story- My Unbelievable True Story of Sex Crimes, Chaos, and Survival,” and the title couldn't say any better than what he experienced in this secret society, preying upon the vulnerable, but wealthy, promising them self fulfillment and betterment through the guise of their teachings. “Cults build you up and once you become dependent, then the abuse and the trauma starts. I haven't met a single person who hasn't had some lasting memory, negative memory or trauma. From this group, there is without exception, an extremely harmful group, very harmful, very tricky. They really get under your skin," he tells host Robin Milling. Writing the book has opened a can of worms with news stories covering deceased cult leader Sharon Gans and the horrific tales of other members who have come forward with their truth. Spencer got out and his unbelievable story should be taken a