Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank

#480 Nomad with Xylia Buros



Xylia Buros is a nomad. For the last 6 years, she has been a citizen of the world, traveling from country to country at her own whim. I’m really jealous. I met her in Rolf Potts’s writing class in Paris. So we sat in her Montmartre apartment rental and talked about the nomad lifestyle. She has some great tips on how to make it happen, and some insights into the hurdles she’s had to deal with, and the fun at the end of any of the troubles that make it totally worth it. She really made me want to sell all my stuff and go somewhere exciting and new.  Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast on audio and/or youtube. And tell some friends about it. Leave a comment, why dontcha? Tell me the places you’d go if you had nowhere to get back to.  And get ready for 2Comics2Cigars, the new youtube series! It’s 2 comedians smoking a cigar and talking. Nothing mind-blowing. But it should be fun. I’ll be in most of the first few but pretty soon it’s just gonna be any 2 comics. Sometimes me, sometimes Bobby Kelly, occasional