Nz Everyday Investor

TGIF, Ep 266



Taking ground when you’re in a position to do so, investing for wealth, is as much about moving forward, as it is about creating a hedge around what you’ve already accomplished. _______________________ Hey! Like what you've heard today? I'm on a mission to help you grow wealth, protect it, then give it away. Here's some ways you can get alongside the NZ Everyday Investor - no pressure, but I'd appreciate any help you could offer: 1 - Spread the word! I want as many as possible to build wealth, protect it, then pass it on. Write a review on the platform you're listening to this on, share on social media, and talk to your friends about it. (Share this Spotify link) 2 - Use the following referral/affiliate links. It's not a game-changing, but every little bit can help fund some production costs and in some cases, the benefit is all yours! (Hatch): $10 for you, and $10 for me, if you sign up