Sales Reinvented

How Stories Make You Stand Out per Bernadette McClelland, Ep #310



Stories are the earliest form of communication. They’re also the most effective way to connect with someone else. When we tell a good story, the buyer can see themselves in that story. As a result, it cuts through the logical part of the brain and goes straight to the emotional part of the brain. Decisions are made on emotion and backed up with logic. You can leverage a story to connect with your buyer, demonstrate an outcome, and make a sale. Stories make you stand out. Learn how Bernadette McClelland crafts stories in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:49] Stories make you stand out from the crowd [1:44] Can you become a gifted storyteller?  [2:55] The ingredients of a great story that sells [4:09] Attributes + characteristics of a great storyteller [6:14] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [6:56] Top 3 storytelling dos and don’ts [10:13] How telling stories helped Bernadette get her green card Can you become a gifted storyteller?  Bernadette works with technical CTOs an