Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #285: How dad shapes future relationships with men



On today's show, Vivian's escapes from a collapsing building with a male who then completely vanishes. She is then stalked by another man. How does this dream show the origin of why Vivian's ends up in relationships with men who walk out on her?  Stay tuned to find out how.  Vivian's life story demonstrates exactly how a child reacts when dad is not there. She does not blame him. In fact, she states repeatedly that her first love was for her father. That he was the one that nurtured her. Now you and I know that he clearly can't do that when he is chooses to be absent. Vivian knows it too. But it is not our adult mind that we are grappling with when a parent impacts us so devastatingly. The trauma of his absence is real. But he is still the one she wants to turn to, to fix her problem. His part in the causing the trauma, indeed the trauma itself is often moved into our blind spot because as a child there is nothing we can do about it. It is so painful that we often just pretend it didn't happen. It gets parked