Mpr News With Kerri Miller

Scientist Morgan Levine on how to influence your true age



If someone asks you how old you are, you’ll probably answer with the number that reflects the birth date on your driver’s license. But scientists are learning that chronological age is not the same as your biological age. Technology has given researchers the tools to measure countless metrics and cross-reference them to get a better picture of your true age. One of those researchers is Morgan Levine. This week, on Big Books and Bold Ideas, she spoke with host Kerri Miller about how your biological age can give you a glimpse into the future, but one that you have the power to alter. “Your biological age on any given day is not your destiny,” she writes in her new book, “True Age: Cutting-Edge Research to Help Turn Back the Clock.” Guest: Morgan Levine is a aging researcher, an adjunct professor of pathology at Yale and the founding investigator at Altos Labs, a biotech firm that aims to develop life extension therapies. Her new book is “True Age: Cutting-Edge Research to Help Turn Back the Clock.” To li