Beth Jones International Speaker

Dream big then do it (My Destin beach, Florida trip)



Do you have a dream in your heart, whether big or small? Do you feel that your dream has been delayed? Don't give up; don't stop dreaming! Dream big because we serve a big God! I've been dreaming and praying for over 3 years to travel to Destin beach, Florida. It is the setting for the first fiction book that I wrote called Storm Tossed (available for sale at Amazon). Destin beach is gorgeous with soft, white sand and clear, blue-green water. I just returned from a week-long trip to Destin beach. I desperately needed this time of relaxation after a very stressful year. I had an amazing, fun time and I give Jesus Christ all the praise and glory! In this podcast, I share about my trip there: how I used Uber to get from the airport to my beautiful Air BnB; relaxing on the beach; going to Publix for groceries, bottled water, my chair and mat for the beach; and different restaurants with delicious food. At about the 12 minute mark, I share about praying for the people of Destin and Florida. At about the 15-18 minu