Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN Today’s Aquarius Full Moon



SHERI HORN HASAN Today’s Aquarius Full Moon says break free from restrictive ego attachments, join your light with others, & together you’ll shine even brighter! We’ll discuss the deeper meaning of this lunation--which includes an Aquarius Moon/Saturn conjunction opposite the Leo Sun & square Uranus/Mars, asteroid goddess of health Hygeia, & the transiting karmic Nodes!This lunation exacts just after Venus enters proud Leo & Mars sextiles Neptune August 11 too! Join me for this & more Astro News You Can Use, including the waxing Sun/Saturn opposition--which perfects August 14--along with Mercury’s quincunx to Uranus & Mars’ trine to Pluto that day too!Plus a look at the fascinating events related to the recent Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus & their potential future repercussions! Join us live or anytime! See ya then! Namaste…