Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the Sun’s entrance into Leo July 22



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the Sun’s entrance into Leo July 22 where he joins Mercury & the heat is on--especially as Mars approaches its meet up with Uranus & the transiting karmic North Node in Taurus! Time to honor our individual uniqueness, share our stories, & heal any wounds around freedom of expression now that Chiron’s retrograde in Aries from July 19 until December 23!Join us Thursday, July 21, for more Astro News You Can Use, including a deep dive into the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction, as Chiron joins Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, & goddess asteroid Vesta—all currently retrograde--as we approach Jupiter’s station retrograde at the July 28 Leo New Moon! Listen live or later!