Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the Capricorn Full Moon’s call to take responsibility



SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the Capricorn Full Moon’s call to take responsibility for our inner child & release resistance to reclaiming our power by speaking out about past wounds! The intensity of this lunation—while somewhat tempered by the unrealistic longing of Venus in Gemini’s wishful square to Neptune in Pisces July 14--lingers as its revelations allow us to discern between our needs and our duties & obligations to others.Join us for this & more Astro News You Can Use, including Venus quincunx Pluto July 15, the Cancer Sun & Mercury quincunx Saturn in Aquarius right before the Sun meets Mercury in Cancer July 16, & Mercury & the Sun’s trines to Neptune July 17--the same day Venus enters sensitive nurturing Cancer.The intensity ratchets up of again when Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto July 18 just before the messenger god enters Leo July 19--the same day wounded healer Chiron stations retrograde & the Cancer Sun opposes Pluto. Phew!Listen live or anytime! Namaste…